Wednesday, April 16, 2008

It's Just Like Christmas...In April

5 days until we can find out the sex of the babies!!! I can't wait, i was telling my mom last night how i haven't felt this excited about something since Christmas when I was 7 years old :) I have my fingers crossed for girls...shhh don't tell.
This past weekend was the first time My mom and Tony's mom met and it went great! My mom and I were out and about looking at 2-family houses and decided to stop by Tony's since the grandma's (sorry guys...) needed to talk about the baby shower. We all ended up going out shopping at the Children's Place and grabbing treats (and a Dr. Seuss book of course) at Barnes and Noble. It was a great afternoon and I am so excited that they got along so well!!!
On another topic-Does anybody have experience with bringing babies into an environment with a puppy? We have a 1 year old mini-dachshund who is very attached to me. I am afraid that she will get jealous or the babies and any advice on how to avoid this and make the transition as easy as possible would be much appreciated :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heres advice on the puppy situation.

introduce the puppy to the babies immediately when you bring them home. maybe dont even have the dog home when you come home if thats possible, then bring the dog home later in the day. thats what i did. my Dad had Jack (my 10 month old chihuahua) at work for the day and it gave me time to come home and get somewhat situated before the introduction. Jack was VERY confused at first because he'd never seen a baby before and he wanted to play with him (nudging Owen's hand to get him to pet him and such), and he finally came to terms with the baby just can't play yet (but he's always trying). I had my Dad help me on this one, but I was holding the baby and let the dog up on the couch to sniff him and get acquainted (and see what the hell it was, lol), and I was very cautious because even though you think you may know a dog, you never know what could happen. So my Dad was there holding the Dog's leash just incase anything happened. I have always brought Jack absolutely everywhere with me since I got him in September and he's extremely attached to me (and Zack too), so I was really worried that he'd get jealous easily. Honestly, the dog is so protective of the baby if he's crying the dog comes up and cuddles with him or kisses him or just sits and watches to make sure everything's okay. All you really have to do is make sure you make time for the dog. Even if it's while you're feeding one of your babies, pet the dog, give treats, let the dog know he/she hasn't been replaced. The dog will eventually get it. All I can really say is MAKE TIME FOR THE DOG!!! Anything else about it just ask me... I had a pretty good experience, and Chihuahuas are supposedly not good with children (screw that idea!). lol. looove you!