Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Hospitals are fun...

People say pregnancy is supposed to make you "glow", your skin is supposed to be flawless and your hair, better than ever. BULL SH*T! At least for me... The only thing my skin has turned is green from nausea ( I may possibly turn into Kermit th frog), my hair hasn't had a chance to shine as it's always in a messay bun to hold it back while I puke, and just forget about any inklings of a "glow".

I just got home from my second trip to the hospital for I.V. fluids for dehydration. The nurses have been so nice both time's I really must say that I couldn't havce asked for better care :). As much as I liked them though, I do hope this is the alst time I see them until my due date.

Here are a few tips I can give other women experiencing "morning" sickness (should be all day sickness if you ask me) to help relieve at least a little bit of the discomfort:

1. Eat small frequent meals.

2. Opt for bland foods. I.e. rice, bagel, pasta with no sauce.

3. Mac and Cheese has proven to be very helpful to me

4. Get plenty of rest.

5. Stay hydrated!!! This is easier said than done, but try pouring a sips worth of liquid into a cup and working on that over an hour or two. A full cup can be overwhleming and you will do more harm then good trying to rush your fluid intake.

6. Have a couple go-to snacks that work for you. I have found that crackers to be amazing.

7. If water is hard to keep down, try these: Apple Juice, Cranberry Juice, Ginger Ale. You can even try mixing any combination of those 3 to give yourself some variety.

8. Crack a window for some fresh air.

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